Acklam Square
Opening up the public realm
The publicly accessible, pedestrianised space between Portobello Road and Acklam Road is one of the most heavily utilised spaces on the Westway estate. Not only does the space host the hugely popular Acklam Food Market every week on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, it also accommodates spaces for community gatherings, celebrations and events.

For many years, this space has been dissected by hoardings, which were originally installed as a temporary measure to protect pedestrians from the uneven surface of the space.
A part of the Community Street project, Westway Trust is now embarking on the long-anticipated project to re-level and open up this important public space. Once the re-levelling work has been completed, all hoarding will be removed, and the entire Acklam Square will be opened up as North Kensington's newest public realm.
Work commenced in late February 2024, and will be completed in four phases. Each phase will require the affected area to be hoarded off for a period of approximately four-five weeks. Works have been planned to allow minimal disruption to the market, local businesses and residents, and to maintain pedestrian access between Portobello and Acklam roads at all times.
Phase one:
The area in front of 'Bay 55', which is currently used as market storage, and access to the brand new Acklam Public toilets (to be opened to the public following these works). Has now been completed bar a separate sewer connection, this is currently being used by Acklam Village Market to trade.

Phase two:
The area in front of 'Bay 58', which was formerly occupied by Acklam Village Market, and is used as a bar and live music venue. This phase has now completed, awaiting a new bin store.

Phase three:
The area in front of 'Bay 57', which is an 'open bay' (without a façade). This phase is partly completed along with new drainage, the paving is now being done and installation of the steps. We also await a new colourful gate that will be fitted across the bay.

Phase four:
The area in front of 'Bay 56', which is currently occupied by Once Voice Community Collective has now been taken up and drainage connected. This phase completes the project and finished in August 2024.

Each of the above phases are now complete.
Part of the hoarding is currently remaining in place while we complete some snagging, allow for managed access, and make improvements to the CCTV provision in the space.
We expect all remaining hoarding to be removed in October 2024.
For further information, please contact us at, or visit Westway Trust at 1 Thorpe Close, W10 5XL.
Elements of the Community Street
We will work with the community to develop a vision for the Community Street and explore a range of improvements including those listed below. We have a fixed budget for the first phase of the Community Street and through the co-design and design phase will agree priorities to be delivered in the next 18 months
A range of air quality improvement interventions including green infrastructure. We will also work in partnership with Universities to trial new and innovative solutions to poor air quality.
Illumination and animation across the mile long estate including Feature/artistic lighting. A specific focus on areas which feel unsafe and unloved to create distinctive and interesting light features.
Better integration of Portobello Green Arcade, Portobello Green, Thorpe Close and the Market Canopy resulting in a better trading and visitor experience.
Refurbishment of public toilets on Acklam Road – to provide facilities for market traders, visitors and those attending events in Acklam Village
Refurbishment of Portobello Green Arcade
Locally commissioned artwork on the walls and on the motorway pillars along the Westway estate which celebrate local heritage and culture
New street furniture and signage along the estate
As part of our commitment to place the community at the centre of everything we do, we hosted a series of briefings in early March 2021 to update stakeholders on the current work of the Trust and specifically to discuss the Community Street Project and to hear and take on board your feedback.
You can also watch a recording of one of the online events here.

View the interactive map of the Westway Estate